Greenkeepers Course Update #7

Hej på er! A small update on things from the greenkeeping department. We are in the middle of August – probably the busiest month with many of the club’s most reputable competitions. As such, our main focus is course maintenance rather than project work. Ensuring the cut quality of machines and general mowing takes up most of our time. I can now finally say that I am happy with the condition of the fairways, they are looking strong and healthy with great cover so we have lowered the height to 12 mm. Our first cut at this height was this afternoon in dry conditions to give the best result. The tees and foregreen areas remain at 9 mm; a slight yellowing of the leaf is beginning to appear caused by heat stress so a granular fertiliser is soon required to keep them going for the rest of the season. Greens are at 3,0 as previously discussed. With the heavy rainfall expected this weekend, I will be spraying a ’penetrant’ wetting agent on greens tomorrow to help push any rainfall down through the profile. This will help keep the greens as dry and firm as possible for the KM.

This week we have also trimmed all 60 bunker edges and removed as many weeds as possible. I am aware that there are many bunkers that need looking at in terms of sand. I have recently ordered a delivery of sand so bunkers will be getting some extra focus next month!

Regards Elliot